Luas Finglas

Railway Order


The National Roads Authority [operating as Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)], in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by Section 37 of the Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act 2001 (as amended) (the “Act”), will apply on or after Monday 18th November 2024 to An Bord Pleanála for a Railway (Luas Finglas – Broombridge to Charlestown) Order [2024] pursuant to the provisions of the Act.

The Railway Order, if granted, will authorise TII to carry out the railway works as set out in the Railway Order including all works necessary to enable the construction, operation, maintenance and improvement of a railway designated as a light railway including, inter alia, the construction of a northern extension of the Luas Green Line, approximately 3.9km long, from its current terminus in Broombridge to a new terminus in Charlestown, in close proximity to the N2-M50 interchange, with 4 new stops, bridge structures, cycling facilities and infrastructure, one new park and ride and a new extension to Broombridge depot stabling facilities. 

For further information, including a flyover animation of the the proposed scheme,  please visit

A copy of the newspaper notices published in newspapers circulating along the Luas Finglas Route are available here;

Newspaper Notice 13th November 2024

Newspaper Notice 13th November 2024

If you would like to make a submission to An Bord Pleanála on the Luas Finglas Railway Order please go here.

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